la Giuli si sposa

martedì, giugno 27, 2006

God Save the U.S.A.

Courtesy of Diane Flyr

Watch the video

lunedì, giugno 26, 2006

more SF

The Armani store

The cable car

The Golden Gate Bridge!

Marin County: Point Reyes & Lagunitas

So, you'd think Californian beaches are sunny and hot....

...but they are SO NOT!

Constance's house, garden and hot tub

The beach near Point Reyes

Driving to Stintson beach: mystic and magic - the most romantic drive, ever (although you can't quite tell by my face - so, where are the GEARS, anyway?! No party. Ronf ronf, bzzzz...).

Between Napa Valley and Marin County

Alex's old house and school in Lagunitas