la Giuli si sposa

venerdì, maggio 05, 2006

Il discorso del Gufo!

Per ora e' solo una bozza, ma rende l'idea...

I collect toys: toy cars, toy ships, toy trains, toy airplanes, toy soldiers and all that.
When Giulia was born, I lined up my best toy fleet near the doorway, so when she came back from the hospital with her mum, the ships could salute her.
She was very pretty and sweet. But then, she grew up. And she started to talk, all the time, and to run and jump around. So I started to call her nicknames, like ‘monkey’, or ‘chicken’. This may seem a little strange, but let me tell you something about the Gelmini family: we are all animals in our family – my wife is a terrible hyena (iena), and I’m an owl (gufo).
As a father, I sometimes thought ‘who will she marry?’ A fellow chicken? Or perhaps we can give a few camels to the peasants, and buy her a nice roaster.
Then, to my surprise, she found Alex. And he was English. I speak English! But he was obviously an English breed I was not familiar with, for he could not speak the English of the Queen, so I couldn’t understand a thing he was saying.
Then ‘chicken’ left for England, and decided to marry Alex.
So we had to find a language, a sort of Esperanto, a mix of ‘owlese’, ‘hyenish’, ‘chickian’ and well…’Alexese’.
Building a new language is not easy. It is a bit like building bridges. I’m an engineer, and building bridges is my job, so we figured it out.
But today, I am so proud of Giulia and Alex, because I know they will be happy together, somewhere in a farm, far far away. And I would like to give them one of my toy airplanes, to cruise lightly in the air. And one of my toy cars (perhaps beetle?), to be safely grounded to the earth. And one of my toy ships, to keep them afloat even when the sea is in turmoil, so their feathers don’t get wet.
To Giulia and Alex!
And to my beloved wife, the hyena!